Knowing the Journey

What got you here won’t get you there, at least not always. It might get you part way there, but chances are something will have to change.

“What made your first million won’t make your next ten.”

This has become a popular saying among entrepreneurs.

I can’t say much about what it takes to make a million.

Yet the idea behind the saying still carries value.

It holds water when you swap out “million” for a lot of things in your business.

“How you deliver your first product won’t be how you deliver your next ten.”

“What won your first client won’t be how you win your next ten.”

“How you survived the first year won’t be how you survive the next ten.”

What got you here won’t get you there

At least not always.

It might get you part way there.

But chances are something will have to change.

And when things have to change, a door of opportunity opens for adaptation and evolution.

When we are growing, we are moving toward our goals. We are taking positive action, and building momentum.

Revisiting old chapters

The challenge is figuring it all out. Where are you in your journey?

It’s easy to forget how much our habits, attitudes and skills today differ from five years ago.

Maybe they don’t differ at all, but hopefully they do.

We can find out by taking the time to reflect and revisit past stages of our journey.

What were our habits, attitudes and skills at that time and how were they reflected in our life?

Writing the next chapter

The wonderful thing about life is each one of us is the author of our own story.

Let past chapters be forgotten and risk them being repeated.

Or learn from them and start writing the story yourself.

Where do you want your journey to take you next?

We might find our habits, attitudes and skills need to change to get us there.

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